Fight For Land Use
[ Access to our Public Lands is a God-Given Right that we cannot take for granted. ]
Below are Seven Steps you can follow to make an impact in the Fight For Land Use.
Doing at least one step is great and that truly makes you Above Average.
Doing two steps makes you Unique. At five steps, you're a Champion.
But, doing All Seven Steps makes you a TRUE WARRIOR for Land Use!
Being Above Average is great and we appreciate it... but we need THOUSANDS OF TRUE WARRIORS if we are going to win this fight.
Which do you choose to be?

JOIN everything you can afford to join and that makes sense to you.
- We highly recommend joining your National and/or Regional association.
- Your State Association such as Cal4wheel in CA, or the Colorado Association of 4Wheel Drive Clubs in CO.
- Your local/area sport-specific club.

ADVOCATE for your trail and favorite sport and riding areas.
- Talk it up to folks who do not understand why we love what we do.
- Take newbies under your wing and teach them how to be an advocate for our sport.
- “Adopt” your local fed (USFS or BLM) manager/ranger.
- Read more on how to advocate from Del Albright, Land use and Access.

INCLUDE OTHERS in your sport such as reporters and neighborhood friends and family.
- Include agency representatives on your runs or trail projects; help improve our image.
- Recruit for those groups you believe in and help build membership in organized recreation.
- Read Del Albright's website on how to include others and do ride alongs.

LETTERS - write them when asked; speak to your personal experience and your dreams of future trails.
- Get writing help if you think you need it (land use folks are happy to help you formulate a good letter).
- Always contribute substantive comments (meaningful, to the point, based on your experience).
- Letter writing made simple here.

BUY ONLY from businesses that support land use and our trails. Ask before you buy.
- Visit organizational websites and raffle listings to see what businesses support land use efforts.
- Visit businesses in your area, such as MetalCloak, and talk to the folks about land use to get a feel for their commitment. Check their shop for land use logos and handouts.
- If they don't support land use TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE.

ADOPT A TRAIL with your group or club and make it an example for others to follow.
- Get in contact with the land manager of your trails; adopt one that needs cleanups or maintenance; show we care.
- Help government “stretch” funding for trail maintenance – be the support crew.
- For federal trails with the USDA Forest Service, follow these simple sample guidelines to Adopt a trail.

BE PART OF THE SOLUTION: help your local, state and national associations get better; voice your opinion; be in the land use game
- Start by being part of the national, regional and local groups/clubs that are conducting trail-saving efforts.
- Volunteer your time to ANY group out there working on trails that you wheel.
- Donate to raffles, fund-raisers, legal battles, or anything that needs a little extra financial help to save trails.
- SUMMARY: Join, Donate, and Volunteer to those efforts and groups that make sense to you.